Planet of the Arps, new album from Remy Stroomer

Planet of the Arps - Remy Stroomer
Planet of the Arps - Remy Stroomer

Back in July 2010: electronic music musician Remy Stroomer (aka REMY) recorded the first version of a piece of ambient music. It became an hour-long journey that could at times be in the composer's solo line of work, but it was decided that this project was going to be presented as a side project called “Planèt of the Arps”.
The name refers to the musical phenomenon arpeggio (whether or not produced by an arpeggiator), Halton Arp and his Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, Alan R. Pearlman and his legendary ARP synthesizers, and it is clear that this is also a nod to it. 'look at the science fiction franchise "Planet of the Apes".

As soon as the first version of the track was recorded, Remy had it in mind to involve a fellow musician in this project, feeling that he needed an extra touch before it could possibly be released.
When the Ricochet Gathering event took place in Berlin in October 2010, Remy asked Wolfram Spyra to be part of this ambient work. Although "Der Spyra" wanted to work on it, there seemed to be a lack of time and especially the two artists had other priorities at this time. The project was shelved.
When Remy was invited to perform at the Zeiss Planetarium in Bochum (Germany) on September 15, 2012, he decided to play this particular piece of music. Quite simply because it would fit perfectly into this place. Some additions and modifications were made, and during this solo concert version 2.0 was released.
Almost two years have passed since Rémy organized a concert evening at the Ruines de Brederode in Santpoort. Zuid (Netherlands), June 27, 2014. For training, Remy then programmed his group, Free Arts Lab, as well as Wolfram Spyra.
To conclude the evening, the idea came to make an improvisation around an edited version of "Planet of the Arps".
What happened was different from what Remy had in mind. Due to the circumstances, he did not have time to repeat the collaborative work.
and just before the show, it was decided that Spyra's partner and singer Roksana Vikaluk would join them.
The result: a 20-minute live version of “Planet of the Arps”, in an entirely improvised setting. The result was, so to speak, really exciting. Musically and atmospherically, everything seemed to fall out of place.
Later it took more than four more years - it was decided that "Planet of the Arps" should be released.
Its current form: The original piece, remixed and sublimated with elements of live performance.
Let's see it as a project that needed this time to evolve and come up with the version to listen to on this “Planet of theArps”.

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