Solstices – Vote Philippe Brodu


Thank you for accepting to participate in the election of the best track of the album Solstices.


Participants received the following instructions:

This is to pay homage to Jean-Michel Jarre, but not in the form of an album tribute covers or remixes, but by a collaborative album made of pieces unreleased compounds in the manner of Jean Michel Jarre. The pieces of this album will therefore have to sound like Jarre, whether by the sounds used or by the way of composing, preferably in the style of his first albums like Oxygène, Equinoxe or Les Chants Magnétiques.


We received thirty-five pieces for this album. We have pre-selected the seventeen pieces which are offered to you here.

The pieces have been returned anonymous so that you can vote impartially.

It exists three ways to access the tracks:

  1. Listen to songs online.
  2. Download files in MP3 format 320 kps.
  3. Download files in FLAC format.


In order to establish a ranking, we ask you to give each song a score out of 10.

To help you, we have created a “rating grid” allowing you to rate different criteria.

The following criteria can be awarded 0 points (contract not fulfilled at all), 1 point (contract partially fulfilled) or 2 points (contract completely fulfilled).

  • Sound coherence: the sounds used respond to the instructions.
  • Rhythmic coherence: the rhythm used responds to the instructions.
  • Compositional coherence: the composition of the piece meets the instructions.
  • Musical quality: the overall musical quality of the song.

The following criteria can obtain 0 points or 1 point:

  • Production: Is the song well produced?
  • Favorite: criterion allowing you to award an additional point to your favorite pieces.

If you wish to use the rating sheet, you can:

  1. Use the online version (just click on a box to check it and award a point, the total is calculated automatically).
  2. Download the scoring sheet in PDF format.


If you used the online voting sheet, you do not need to do anything, your scores will be sent to us automatically.

If you used another method, simply indicate the rating given to each piece here.