Mobile app

The new Radio Equinoxe mobile application is a PWA application (progressive web app).

A progressive web app (PWA, progressive web applications in French) is a web application that consists of pages or websites, and which can appear to the user in the same way as native applications or mobile applications. This type of applications tries to combine the features offered by most modern browsers with the advantages of the experience offered by mobile devices.
A PWA can be consulted like a classic website, from a secure URL but allows a user experience similar to that of a mobile application, without the constraints of the latter (submission to App-Stores, significant use of the device's memory …).
They offer to combine speed, fluidity and lightness while considerably limiting development costs: no need to carry out specific developments for applications according to each platform: iOS, Android, etc.


To test the Radio Equinoxe app:

  1. With your mobile device, click on the link above or go to
  2. Use your browser's “Add to Home Screen” feature.
  3. Use the form below to report any bugs.