The music and the machine. Thinking about interaction in electronic music – Pierre Couprie, Kévin Gohon, Emmanuel Parent

Musique concrete, electroacoustic music, mixed music, Live Electronics and following them the popular trends of disco, techno, rap and EDM, designate musical styles which have radically changed the ways of doing things. and listen to the music. By creating new situations of interaction between musicians, audiences and the countless machines that populate their universe, these repertoires have profoundly modified the ontology and aesthetics of musical activity. This book, which brings together contributions from French and international musicologists (USA, Norway, Australia, United Kingdom), thus offers a journey through scholarly and popular electronic music, from Luigi Nono to David Guetta, from Philippe Manoury to Brain Damage. If music could once have been thought of as the product of the activity of a single composer, the mediation of electronics brings back into full light the profoundly collaborative and interactive nature of all musical acts. This is the hypothesis which underpins the theoretical ambition of this work.

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